aq n shah_cml...(^,^)

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 30

At-home exercise guide

Saturday, December 12


arini aq kne g drivi skul...
ni delh agenda nye :

-8.15 a.m.
cikgu aq (shanan, kot) amek aq kat pgr qrts...
pd mlenye aq agk trkjt....
yela...nape nk kne brjmpt2 ni...
rpe rpenye sbb kite da byr die n die dkre private tutor kite...
so...die la yg kne urskn sumenye....
kite tggl nk byr duit jer...

-8.45 a.m.
smpi kat skulnye...
kat kjg gak tp aq x tawu area mne...
sbb tmpt die cam agk trpncl la gak...
siap de ldg pe tah lg kat dpn skul 2...

-8.47 a.m.
aq kua dr kete kncl 2....
die soh aq kua dlu while die buat pe tah dlm kete 2...
aq pown cam agk da cuak la gak...
yela...first tim g situ...
kua2 je nmpk mmt3...
agk hnsm la gak kot...

-8.50 a.m.
msok ke lobi die...
msok2 je da rmi owg...
suasane xactly cam bank...
siap de kaunter n kusi2...
cume x de no Q n de girl Q...
ala yg slalu pggl2 turn 2..
aq pown tro je la ddk...

-9.02 a.m.
ckgu aq yg tah dr mn dtgnye, apprch aq...
die ppg ic yg aq bg tim dlm kete td...
pas2 die ckp, " t 2ggu owg 2 pggl pas2 msok blk A "
"tgok jgk la lw x pnh g msok blk B"
pas2 aq tny la "mne blk B?"
sbb aq de nmpk blk A tp x nmpk pown B...
die kate "de kat dlm 2"

-9.08 a.m.
aq pown 2ggu pnye 2ggu...
smpi la turn aq...
akaq 2 smpi kne pggl nm aq due kali....
bese la owg kuat brangan...

-9.09 a.m.
pas2 aq pown smpi kat seat 2...
aq pown wat bodo je la kat situ...
akaq 2 nga wat pe tah...
pas2 die soh print thumb aq...
aq pown ltak la jr knn...
beberapa kali trial bwu dpt scan...
siap kne 2ka jr lg...
siap kne lap pki tdg, den tisu...
den kne lap printer 2 lg...
agk cuak gak sbnrnye..
camne law aq x ley amek lessons...
da kne pth uma blk...
bkn 2 je, duit???

-9.15 a.m.
aq dpt blk C...
aq 2 soh msok area c2...
aq pon msok...
aq nmpk, dieowg sume da *t da...
jln pny jln (nk cr seat ni)...
pas2 tetibe, ckgu 2 (bkn ckgu aq) pggl aq...
die tny "bwu msok ke?"
aq ckp la "a"
pas2 die pown so tls nm n ic n sign...
aq pown wat la...
pas2 aq tros amek seat yg 1st skali my eyes lays on...
tmpt agk trsorok..
n agk blakang n agk hujung...
nmpk cm bdk prob je...hehe

-9.16 a.m.
die pown mmbebel la...
tang rule jln ry...
ala yg agk smple la gak kot...

tp aq bknnye mkn pown..
sbb aq x tawu die kne byr ke x... la tawu law kte da byr skali tim pndftrn 2 ke...
btw, aq x nmpk pown bebdk yg mkn 2 byr or x...
bttr not than suspicious kn...
aq pon jd la kmbr kpade 1 tiang yg dkt ngan longkang ni...
pnt da kaki, aq pown g msok lobi n ddk kat c2 smbl pki earphne...

-11.25 a.m.
msok blek...
pembebelan pown brsambung...

-2.40 p.m.
da abes....
tp aq kne 2ggu  ckgu aq...
die de kls...
abes kul 3.30 p.m......
so aq pown  2ggu la kat pin2 lobi 2...
bsn we...sbb nk kne cvr...
yela teha n lya tahu bnct ne prt aq ni kn...
luckily, ckgu aq 2 dtg...
aq pown ikot je la die g kat kete kncl die...
die bkk bnt...
die bg aq buku lathn ujian komptr...
nk tawu x pe die ckp???
"awk 2ggu x abes de kls amali lg"
aq pown mcm........"ok............................"...

-3.15 p.m.
aq pown g la ddk...
yela...da pnt cvr brdr td...
yg ni pown pnt gak...
surface 4 aq ltk bntt aq 2 kck...
da 1 hal lg..
yg ni pown kne cvr2 gak...
spy aq x trddk kat lnti...
which hny 10 cm dr surface td 2...
 aq smpt la gak gyt ngan shah...

-3.30 p.m.
die smpi...
aq nmpk die de bwk laptop bag skali...
tim die ll dpn aq 2...
aq x dga pe die ckp.. kn nga dgr lgu... tgok je la die jln ke kncl die...
pas2 aq pown wat la sign, nk tny da sdh ke?da bley blk ke?
pas2 die pown bls dgn sign, da.......
pas2 aq pown nek kete...
n head back hom...
dlm kete 2 pns gle...
aq da la pki sua jeans kaler itam...
peghhh mmg mncck gle r...

die de ckp...
4 dpt lesen P....
aq kne :
- dgr crmh slame 5 jam...
- amek ujian kom n mak sure lls...
(ckgu aq soh amek isnin dpn pnye dpn..sbb die mls nk lm2..act die ble wat ble2 x lbh 1 year dr trkh ko dftr n after lls ni, dpt lsn L da...n law ggl, leh retake pd hr yg sm but byr RM50...n max 3 kali kot)
- blaja amali which is kereta or mtr, AT LEAST 8 jam...
(x kire ko nk bhgkn ms nye cm ne...its up 2 u n ur law ko nk more jam blh...tny ckgu ko la..)
 - ujian amali with JPJ 2 jam...
(lls, dpt x, kne wat sume 2 blek smule..)

Wednesday, December 9

spm da abes da....
agk hppy...
but aq rs aq x kn enjy sgt...
sbb aq tau...
tim b4 spm pown aq bknnye *d gle2 pown...
so x ley ckp aq1 da free...
sbbnye mmg b4 ni pown  aq da free sefreenya...
siap bley g cinema lg 2...

ok eng bout dat...
sab2 ni mb aq attnd drivi skool...
mak aq soh...
awl gle kn???
well nk wat camne...
mak aq...(evn aq bley mmbnth)

ptg td kck de anta msg at aq...
die ckp law x lls t kne dnd...
kne hang crdbrd kt lhr pas2 lari keliling shcool....
mle2 aq gle2 caye...
aq da cua da nk msok skul da ni...
pas2 aq tny la abg aq...
pe je de ka c2??
pas2 die cite la...
rpe2 nye kck 2 tpu je...
wat cuak aq je...

Thursday, December 3


info frm bdk mrsm via lya...

Ppr 2
Part A 
*F4 - chapter 5
*F5 - hydrocarbon
       - alcohol
       - ester
       - latex
       - alkene n alkane

Part B
*F4 - salt
*F5 - redox (mb combustion sbb trial de kua)

Ppr 3
*alloy (strength of alloy than metal)

*Ppr 1, lya tgh ushkn...*

Saturday, September 5


smlm aq g dati'
huhu....ske gle nk mati...

Sunday, August 23


bg sesape yg nk tgok anime on9....
click diz, animefreak
kat cni la aq tgok ouran 2....

Saturday, August 22

tp skang aq nga lyn ouran high shcool host club...
sbb GG 2 cm jem plak...

Friday, August 21

aq nga tgok gossip gurl...
bez gle...

Sunday, August 16

from teha again....

1- nama timangan anda?
dena, nana, gmok, nnek, kakna....

2- anda seorang yg?

3- insan yg teristimewa?
family n bf...

4- lagu kesukaan?
yg bru2...

5- makanan kesukaan anda?
kuew teow grg bsh...

6- sikap yg membuatkan anda stress?

7- warna kegemaran anda?
mrh itam puth...

8- benda yg mesti ade dlm beg?
nset, animob, spek n nvl...

9- kali terakhir anda menangis?
smlm sbb wendy pct jrwt aq yg mlmbk ni sak8 gler...

10- tag untuk 6 rakan anda?
sesape jer la...

tag from teha

1) Bekas kekasih saya-
daniel bgg!

2) Saya sedang mendengar–
lg yg agk jwg but rocky...

3) Mungkin saya patut– mlaaaaaas sgt....

4) Saya suka–
nvl, komk, drama cinte, nnnn shah...ahakz

5) Sahabat-sahabat saya–
teha, nani, iylia, ama...yg len x rpt bley dktkn 1 kls 2 aq kwn...

6) Saya tak faham–

7) Saya kehilangan–
spek...jmbn kfc 18 2 fancy gle2 ngan spek aq....

8) Ramai yang berkata–
aq ni slekeh...

9) Cinta itu adalah–
sesua2 yg skr diucpkn dgn kt2...dn kite hny akn tawu ble kte da rs...

10) Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang–
kuarkn dmpt die nk byr pc die...

11) Saya akan cuba–
mnjg khrmtn drku!

12) Perkataan SELAMANYA membawa maksud–
4ever but hny akn dpshkn dgn ajl...

13) Telefon bimbit saya–
nokia 7390...special edtn 2 taw...smpi housing pown x de...

14) Bila saya terjaga-
akn tgok nset..amek bear2 yg da trhjth kat bwh...n blanketkn drku brsm2 kekasih ku e2...

15) Saya paling meluat–
law oqg pki 2dg tp hair die trjnti cameko kude...bek x yah pki 2dg je cm2...

16) Pesta/parti adalah–
1 mjls 4 mraikn sumti..even de rmh2 1...

17) Haiwan yang paling comel pernah saya temui–
kucing, ank lion n tiger, panda....

18) Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan saya ialah–
17 coz thn ni aq slalu gle kuar....

19) Hari ini–
bear2 ikowt g jln2...

20) Malam ini saya akan–

21) Esok pula saya akan–
g skul..trial...duh

22) Saya betul-betul inginkan–
lappy yg brfunction sebeknyer...

23) Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini–
pergh.......bnyk gle jrwt...

24) Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan-
aq slalu g kat jusco bukt rj je...

25) Makanan Barat atau Jepun?–
brt...x ske mnth2...uwwweeekkkkk....

26) Bilik yang terang atau gelap?–

27) Makanan segera adalah–
x elok 4 bdn...

28) Ayat terakhir yang anda telah katakan pada seseorang–
tata...kat die kol..die pown x g skul...mntg2 da abes trial...

29) Siapa yang anda ingin tag-
sesape yg sudi mlwt ke blog yg jrg diupdat ni...

gurindan jiwa

ni act tittle 1 nvl...
hlovate yg wat!!!
aq gle2 nk bli....
even da lm kua...

skunk 1 je lg nnl die yg aq x de agy...
yg 2 r...
aq g cr kat sacc ary 2...
owg 2 ckp x de stok...
pas2 owg 2 tny, nk gak ke?
lau nk, sy akn transferkn dr branch mph len...
tp amek ms a week la...
aq pwn bg la nm n no phon aq...

lm la nk 2ggu...



ystrdy aq g wat facial...
mmg sak8 gle nk mt!!
wendy (beautician 2)ckp mk aq bnyk gle bacteria...
mak n akaq aq ckp bnyk come from bear2 aq yg kiut miut 2...
dey x kac aq cium2 da...
huhu cdey je...
aq da la ske die...

die ckp nex 2 wik aq kne dtg blek...
nk kuakn yg trsmbt kat dlm2 2...
act bley je abskn smlm gak..
tp dsbbkn aq x thn sak8, 2 yg wat 2 sessions 2....



tawu x 2 pebnd?
2 act nm 1 store ni...
nm cc lah...
cc ni kat ipoh parade...
nape aq cite psl ni?

act aq kat prk skunk...
aq x g skul...
hehe mls gle...
da la sok nk trial...

so ble tim akaq aq offer...
aq on je....
act mak aq de meeti' kat jbtn pljrn cni...
mak aq ajk la akaq aq tmnkn...
akaq aq ni plak ajak aq tmnkn die...
tim mak aq g meeti' 2 t, akaq aq sowg2 kn...



tang plkn ni...
aq x dpt pown...
act aq nk...

aq cek tim kat skul...
so juz anta sms je la....
n den die ckp, aq x dpt...
tim 2 aq rs cam sdh gle...
aq nk...
sbb nmpk cam bez je...

pas2 aq cite la kat sowg bdk ni...
die ckp de 2nd intake...
tim die ckp 2 aq dah, wat de???
skunk aq pk aq x nk la....
2 yg aq ckp cam2 2...
aq tawu aq ni cam keling je kn???


Thursday, July 9


skang ni still kat mcd agy....
lpk ngan teha, napi n donut...
td de ama.....
nashni skang ni plak nga dati' ngan sape tah nm die 2....
lm gile...
dr aq dtg td smpi la skng ni......
x blek2 agy....

yg tang twilight 2 plak....
act teha mengidam nk tgok...
so alg2 donut da bwk pendrive...
2 yg dier tgok 2....
dlu aq ske taw cite ni....
but skang x....
mb sbb die cam slow agt kowt...


skang ni kn....
aq kat mcd 18....
aq on9... pki napinye...
aqnye lappy cam bgg je....
da 3 tpt da aq g...
tp tige2 x ley cnnct..
napi ckp mb unsecured line kowt...
so aq try la wifi kat pakli....
but still x ley gak...
iiii x phm betoooool la!!!
da lm giler aq x on9...
even kat uma kjg pown x...
sbb pc kat uma uh confirm bz je spnjg ms....
ngan pipinye, amynye, abahnye....

yg meghapuuuuuuu,

Saturday, June 13

taggy from teha

1. Apakah benda yang paling penting dalam hidup kamu?

2. Apakah benda terakhir yang kamu beli dengan wang sendiri?
eskrem 90$ kat mcd n choreooooooo=))

3. Di manakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu?
di sebuah rmh di sebuah kg yg cantk....yg de hlmn yg nyamn nk mmpos...
mst luas....x nk de lck2 or wtsevr...

4. Berapa lama anda rasa hubungan kamu berkekalan?
rs yee....hmmm mb lg 3 thn....

5. Adakah anda dilamun cinta?
oh yessss!!!

6. Di manakah restoran terakhir kamu makan malam?
mcd 18...hehe

7. Namakan buku terakhir yang kamu beli?
see jane score by rachel gibson...little black dress gak...

8. Apakah nama penuh kamu?
Diyana Bt. Azhari

9. Kamu lebih senang dengan mak atau ayah?
mak lau tang wet2....abah lau tang kua2....soooo.....................

10. Namakan seseorang yang kamu ingin jumpa untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidup anda?

11. Sebutkan 8 nama sahabat yang paling rapat dengan kamu?
-lg tah laaaaaa

12. Adakah kamu mencuci pakaian anda sendiri?
tgok gak....lau kat kjg x....SA ye....

13. Tempat yang paling seronok kamu mahu pegi?
disneyland hk.....x pnh g ponnn...

14. Pelukan atau ciuman?

16. 8 perkara yang amat saya gilai
-gyt ngan b comel.....=))))

17. 8 perkataan yang sering di ucapkan
-o yeke???
-da 2??

19. 8 lagu yang saya boleh dengar berulang kali.
-offspring - kristy r u doin ok
-rihanna - emergency
-rihanna - hatin on de club
-nickelback - if 2day was ur last day
-avenged sevenfold - dear god
-letoya - not anymore
-lg x tawu la.......

20. 8 orang yg kamu mahu tag ?
x tau

Tuesday, June 9


pg td...
tim mak aq nga siap2 nk g keje...
tetibe die mmbbl...
die soh aq pipi n amy blek sa...
die ckp we won blaja kat kjg...
2 yg die soh g sne 2...
aq spm...
pipi pmr...
amy our respsble 2 jg him.....
mnymph gle...
cam gmpg pon ye gak...

da la t kne wat folio...
kat sne ne de pe2 pon...
radio pon x de...
dok hrpkn nset jela...

Thursday, June 4


nk tawu x aq kat ne skang ni...
Aq kat perak..
Otw blk kjg...
Dlm kete...
Aq gne nfon on9 :-)...
Gle ske...
1 tim ni...
Tp aq pki nset mak je la...
Kdt aq ciput je...
K la tata...

Monday, June 1


arini....besok n besoknye aq g perak....

ikot mak aq outsta....

abacat n abah g umrah...

akak keje...

yg tggl kat uma de abozan, aq, pipi, amy....

so kite sume kne la ikot mak...

xde sape nk jg...

x tawu perak kat mn....

hotel pe...

award from teha

award ni teha bg.....

tengkiu ma pween...

tp rs cam x lyk je....

x amazing lgsg....

da la online weekend je pon....

pe2 pon tanx teha...

1. Copy award di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda.
2. Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang pemberi award ini.
3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya.
4. Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award seterusnya dan describe tentang mereka
5. Jangan lupa melawat blog kawan anda dan meninggalkan komen yang menyatakan mereka telah di tag.

tang teha eee..x taula mnrk ke x.....



-too bek

-ske bc nvl kmk n mag....

-jrg kua umah

aq lak:

-pki mls g app..

-de nset 2ndhand...yg nga pki skang ni r...

-ske dgr lg...kekdg obses ck8...

-ske gle ngan shah...hehe...cinte???hmmmmm

-x ske lipas...

-ske gle jln2...lg2 g cinema...

-pki jam pink yg da bucuk...huhu

-tringin nk de laptop sndr...

-seorg yg mmg pmls gle...

-ske cite kekaton...

10 pnrme eee...:


-sesape je


-sesape je


-sesape je


-sesape je


-sesape je


ystrdy de kendiru...


4 arwah2.....

bz gle....

n bnyk gle pic....

mos of em mine...(brgn2 1...hehe)

so brg2 2 sume....

yg da dirty gle2 2....

kne la bsoh....

sape yg kne???

aq gak...

nseb bek aqak aq tlg....

ni, bwu je lps abes la ni....

2 je....toodle..........

from te'a from muaz

1. What color is your underwear right now? fav kaler awww....

2. What are you listening to right now?
jason mraz - im urs 

3. What are the last 2 digits in your phone number?

4. What was the last thing you ate?
burger...(die nye roti je...) 

5. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
white...its in everything....(agaknye la) 

6. How is weather right now?    


7. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
 hehee....shah ku yg kiiiiuut.

8. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
 skin kaler

9. Favorite food?
 telur n always be telur...hehe

10. Do you drink?
 ya...milo ais...(hahahahaha)

11. Do you smoke?

12. Ever get so drunk you dont remember?
 by drinking milo ais?...oooh i dont ti' so....

13.What color are your eyes?
 4 me..................its dark2 hazel...mb its de lght..

14. Last time you went to the dentist?
 bout 2 months ago...

15. Do you wear contacts?
 no...but wud luv 2...

16. Single?


17. Favorite Month?

18. Ever cried for no reason?


19.Last show you watched on tv?
 sushi pack on  cartoon net....hehe

20. Favorite day of the week?


21. Are you too shy to ask someone out?

not shy....lowwwww selfesteeem.....

22. Hugs or Kisses?


23. Chocolate or Vanilla?

24.soalan telah di buang oleh yg BERNAMA

25. Whose birthday is coming up next?

26. Ever watched Office Space?
 ha??nvr heard of it..

27. What books are you reading?
 nvl, mag, komik....skul's?? den it must be 2syen tim...

28. Piercings?

yap...kat tinge...

29. Fav. Movie?
 mcm2....x bnyk advent nye...

30. Fav. Baseball team?


31. Any pets?

no....but wud luv 2 hav

32. AIM Screen Name?

33. Butter, Plain or salted popcorn?

34. Dogs or cats?

35. Fav. Flower?

dat comes with my fav kaler....

36. Have you ever fired a gun?

37. Do you like anyone right now?

38. Right handed or left handed?

39. Who do you wanna see right now?

40. Are you missing someone ?

tag : sesape yg rs die trlbh rjn....

tag dri te'a-tgk spe d'tag!

1.besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed?by whom?

palm even ksr smcm je by sum1

2. how do you feel when you woke up this morning?

my back hurtsss

3. who the last person you take a photo with?


4. would you consider yourself to be spoiled?


5. would you donate blood?

wud luv 2...

6. have you ever had a best friends who is the opposite sex?


7. do you want someone dead?


8. what does your last msg said?

bby nk brnysyid ni...hehe (its a caption)

9. what are u thinking of right now?

mls nk kms umah...

10. do you wish some1 was with you now?

didnt even think of it

11. what time did you go to sleep last night?

3 moni'....sumti'

12. where did you buy the tshirt you are wearing now?

not idk...

13. is someone on your mind right now?


14. who was the last person who text you?


15. people tagged to do this quiz?

anybody who feels like doing it....

16. who is you are having relationship with?


17. is no 3 is male or female?

18. if no. 2 & no 3 get together, will it be a good thing?

definitely noooot

19. what is no. 1 studying about?

the devil in life....

20. is no. 3 single?


21. say something about no 2?

i always get in when overslept...

22. what do you think of no 1 and no 3 get together?


23. describe no 3?

so loyal but at de same tim not...phm2 je la e....

24. what will you do if no 1 and no 3 fight?

impossible....they barely talk...but if does, don care...

25. do you like no. 1?

oh sure 1 is my loved 1....

Saturday, May 16


td tim g bukit tinggi.....
aq trbump ngan die....
die ni cun...
ni membe aq kat skul TK dlu...
aq rs....
die ni da bubah la...
lau dlu die gdk2 ck8...
skang ni nmpknye lbey bek...
go huza!


die ni cml....
ni memebe aq kat skul dlu...
yg kat tnjg krg 2....
aritu aq gyt ngan die.....
lm gle....
sejam lbey...
tp aq pki nset bpk aq la...
hehe...ank yg jht...
da lm gle x kontek die...
bnyk gle cite bertuka2....


sdey gler arini....
smalam la....16 may....
nak tawu x nape...
sbbnye shah x igt pon befday aq ble....
aq da bg kluuuu da..
tp ck88888888 sgat la....
kul 12.01 malam td aq bawu bg tawu....
mmg aq sdey gle r ni...
die bley x igt...
aq bley je igt dienye date....
tapi die wish gak la...
even belated.....
tapi de satu yg die wish yg memwatkan aq trharu...
x ley gtawu...


Sunday, May 10

taggy from teha....

1. Nama timangan family

2. Anda seorang yang
-ske malukn mem wat do no je..
-ske jln2...
-x ske tgok owg emo (mrh o cry o watever je)...t aq jd takot...but aq x kn sekali2 tnjkkn...

3. Insan istimewa dan kenapa dia teramat istimewa
-family..always by myside even annoyi'..relly2 annoyi'...
-my man....mnjd diary aq..even respond x de la bgs ne pon...hehe

4. Lagu kesukaan sekarang
-katy perry - waking up in vegas
-keri hilson - knock u down
-all american rejects - wind blows
-demi lovfato - dont forget

5. Warna kegemaran
-ntah...mb pink, white n black

6. Benda paling wajib dalam handbag
x de hanbag...bat lau g jln2:
-mp3 (tp skang nga rsk..huhu)

7. Kali terakhir nangis

8. Tag rakan anda

Saturday, May 2

Anti-Islamic Websites Alert!!

I received this email from one of my friend today..
Info ni supaya kita berhati-hati bila search tentang Islam di Internet.
Sesiapa yang baca, kalau boleh tak payah click link-link yang ada,
cuma beri perhatian sahaja, dan ingat nama-nama websites tu.
Next time, kalau termasuk, jgn terpedaya dengan apa yang mereka tulis....
InsyaAllah, smeoga manfaat untuk semua...
Kalau ada apa-apa salah, minta di-alert ya....

"Please send this message to every Muslim you know...


f you don't...
A Muslim somewhere in the world could be receiving false information about Islam.
So prevent that from happening.


Beware of the following websites:

These sites have been developed by Jews .
Who Intentionally are spreading wrong information about the QURAN ,
the HADITH and ISLAM itself.

Please spread this information To all the Muslim brothers and sisters around the world.
The list of traced anti- Islamic websites, about Islam are:


This site has posted fake stories of how Muslims converted to Christianity. How do I know? Read the following excerpt from one of the stories:First the 'convert' says: (emphasis added)In the end, I managed to convince my mother, as it was for Allah and I joined the Islamic College. Having graduated as an ustaz, I was soon posted to my neighbourhood…And then:My trip to Mecca for the Haj (pilgrimage) was tiring but eventful. I did not have the rare opportunity to see inside the holy Kabah and the holy idols inside, which Prophet Muhammud had helped to place, as explained in Bukhari's HadithAn Ustaz (scholar) in Islaamic Studies is saying that there are idols inside the Kabah and that too placed by Muhammad (saw) himself!?!?!This clearly shows that the author is deliberately trying to spread misinformation about Islaam and wants to convey to possible reverts to Islaam that it is religion of idol worship.In fact most of the Christian sites use this tactic of false convert stories but it's not always possible to prove it


AlhamduliLlaah I was able to catch another site posting fake stories of Muslims leaving Islaam. See the false information imparted here. That the attempt is deliberate is known through the claim that the 'convert' has done detailed study about the topic.For Islamic Education, I had to study about marriage in detail to do well. So, I learnt all the stuff and got the highest grade anyone can get for Islamic Education. And guess what? Because I know it so well, I know that there is a lot of discrimination against women in Islam. Things like a father and grandfather can marry a girl/woman to whomever they want even if the girl/woman doesn't want to marry that person… In addition, I learned things like women couldn't be witnesses in Syariah Courts and things like that . The first point here is a total lie whereas the second is a distorted version of the truth.


Testimonies/younathan.html Here's yet another extract from a false convert story aimed at spreading misinformation about Islaam.As I started thinking about my life and the Quran, I realized all Muslims, even the prophet Muhammad, would go to Hell for certain sins they committed in their lifetime.This is a common ploy of the Christian Missionaries. They first inform gullible victims that Jesus (God) is Love and just by believing in the Crucifixion, you will be assured of Paradise. Whereas the concept of God in Islaam is so harsh that no one will be spared from Hell and that even Prophet Muhammad (saw) was not sure of where he would end up. For this purpose they quote an ayat of the Qur'aan out of context. Here there have gone a step further by saying that even our beloved Prophet (saw) would have to go through hell. Nothing could be further from the truth.Anti Islaamic Sites under misleading names

17. Islaamic Sites apparent even by name

Always check the source of any Islamic web site even if it is very convincing

The new AMERICAN Qur'an:
A dangerous trick. A new Quran is being distributed in Kuwait , titled 'The True Furqan'. It is being described as the verses of the Shaytan and Al-Furqan weekly magazine has found outthat the two American printing companies; 'Omega 2001' and 'Wine Press' are involved in the publishing of ' The True Furqan ', a book which has also been titled The 21st Century Qur'an '! It is over 366 pages and is in both the Arabic and English is being distributed to our children in Kuwait in the private English schools!The book contains 77 Surats, which include Al-Fatiha, Al-Jana and Al-Injil. Instead of Bismillah, each Surat begins with a longer version of this incorporating the Christian belief of the three spirits.And this so called Qur'an opposes many Islamic beliefs. In one of its verses it describes having more than one wife as fornication, divorce being non-permissible and it uses a new system for the sharing out of the will, opposing the current one. It states that Jihad is HARAM. This book even goes as far as attacking God Almighty Allah! All this is poisoning our children at approx. $3.

Brothers and Sisters please make sure you forward this email to as many people as possible so that we can stop this dangerous trick.

May Allah reward you. Ameen.

aq x nk blaja.
tp nk stret a.
cam ne ni.

aq da maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalas nk update

Sunday, April 12


arini aq x g skul....
nak tau nape???
sbb dlm pamili aq de yg nk g overc....
owg2 nye adlh : mak, akaq n pipi....
nak tawu x dieowg g mane???
dieowg g umrah...hehe
deir fligt round 8 sumti'...
so i x dtg skull la...
t i uplod pic2 e...
but kne 2ggu lg 2 wiks la...


Saturday, April 11

1 litre of tears

cite ni bawu je smpi ep 4....
u tub ni lmbp giler la...


mls giler nk update.....

x tau nak tulis pe...

aq lpr giler la skang ni....

aq nk diet...

akak aq ckp...

aq kuat mkn...

2 yg baju pon da manyak x muat...

Saturday, April 4


aq de ckp yg aq miss gl2 kat nset pink 2 kn....
so 2dy aq plan nk bli...
tp gne wet mak aq la....
die x nk...
die ckp below 200 ble....
aq da ckp da ill byr but ansur2 la....
- elaun evrdy la kn...
pon die x nk gak....

so we g hp fair....
smpai sane area2 6...
survey2........x jpe gak...
de jpe yg aq ske....
tpi 284 n brand yg aq sndr x pnh dgr....
so x bley la kn....

blek 2 aq moody je...
mak aq tau da yg aq ngan mogok...
so die ckp bsok g bli ngan abh...
n den aq ckp la X PYH...
n den da die snyp je....

pas2 yg suprise nye...
aq g cry lam kete 2....
tgh2 cry 2 aq dgr mak ckp die nk g blikn nset pink 2...
X PYH aq ckp....

so aq pk aq nk savi...
n den bli pki wet aq sbdr...

ps : makcik....nset pink yg ilang 2 act bibik aq yg bgg 2 g curi....ngan nset mak aq skali....ngan nset pipi skali!! x braty prot BTOL!!!! cam cipan pon mak aq yg bg tau....act mak aq da tau lm bru siang td die nga bgg ni!!!!!

Saturday, March 21

frm D.I .N.O

wanna know your answers’
1. Who are you?

2.Are we friends?

3.When and how did we meet?

4.Do you have a crush on me?

5.Would you kiss me?

6.Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.

7.Describe me in one word.

8.What was your first impression?

9.Do you still think that way about me now?

10.What reminds you of me?

11.If you could give me anything what would it be?

12. How well do you know me?

13.When's the last time you saw me?

14.Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?

15.Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?

**i hop who ans it....will do it onestly....tq


smalam g sunway....
1ly g lagoon....
men air je la yg smpt...
yela smpi kat sane je da kul 2...
nk cr parking yg full giler 2 agy....
nk cry exit ke lagoon agy....
ok...arrived there bout 3.30....

den buy ticket of coz...
den men2...
we forgt 2 broght camera!!!!
so i hv 2 borrow mom's...
unfrtunatly mom gtg sumwhere else...(out of sunway) snap bout 10 pic...
but its all at the same place...
on the beach....(lagoon's)
so sad............
round 6 out...

den dine in laksa shake or sumti'...
round 9 go 2 ice ring....
ice skati'!!!!!hehe....
even idn how 2 play.....
im stll lerni'...
so far i no how 2 use left leg only...

evry1 can do it...
as long as u try...

round 12 got home...
oh my lovely tilam...
(i use 2 sleep on a tilam)
n of coz my lvly bear2....

frm all of dos crap...but yet still enjoyi'...
i get 2 sleeeeeeeeep :D

Friday, March 20

cont sunway.

aq dcide.....
men je air 2...
bkn de pe2 pon kn....


2mrw mak plan nk g sunway....
men2 air....
but idw!!!...
cam da bsn...u no.......

so aq pk nk g round2 mall je la...
tp mak x kac...
die kate....
mak x ske la pisah2 ni....

pe2 pon....
kt tgok je sok camne k...........

Thursday, March 19

1 litre of tears....

da *t tgok da....
tp kat u tube jela....
cite nye x de la sdh mne pon....
lgpon aq bru je ep 2.....
so ill keep watching


smalam kn aq n pipi g jln2...
mle skali kn aq g skul...
abes lam kul 1 setengah cam 2...

n den ktowg (pipi n aq) dcide nk g tgok upin ipin...
ktowg pon google la kn...
aleh2 cinema yg dkt2, sumenye b4 kul 3....
de gak yg kul 3 lbh...
tp lau amek 3 lbh confem blek lmbt nye....
t x psl2 kne blasah ngan parents plak....

so, lastly ktowg g mid 4 jln2 je...
nek ktm + jln kaki j da spi mid...
2 pon area2 4....

spi je tos g food court...
mmm2 da kul 4 setgh...
jln2 ck8....
den tos blek...

spi 18 area2 6 stgh....
lm kn???....
ktm yg ngokngek...
lm gile nk tuggu....

Wednesday, March 18


skunk ni aq kat skul...
dr kul 9 td aq 2nggu dieorg...
lm tau...
ni da kul 10 pown x smpi2 agy..
iiii kunk aq blek kunk.....

act ni 1 tim on9 kat skul tau....
2 yg btk ck8 2....hehe...
besela nk wat camne....
bdk ngokngek la ktkn....



aq nk kne g skul..
yg sal oral bm 2...
da la kiteowg (aq + teha + nana + iylia + ama) kne present isnin nnt....
tp sa2 pe pon x discuss agy....huhu


Monday, March 16


mak aq de blkn jam...
act as a bezday present...
tp mak aq da kuarkn awl2...
so die soh plh ne sa2...
de 2...
yela sa2 aq sa2 pipi...

satu jam ni tl kecik crk kulit...
warna turqoise(slh eja kot)....
muka die cntek...
gle ske!

yg lg sa2 ni plak...
tl besar crk flawer...
warna pink....
aq ske!
tp muke die x cantek sgt la...
muke dier cam suram ck8 tau...

hmm hmm.......
nk yg mne sa2 ni....
akak aq ckp....
tgn aq ni suai tl bsr..
yela da bdn pown bsr kn...
tp lau nk amek yg tl besr, muke dier x cantek plak...
lau nk amek yg muke dier cntek, tl dier kecik plak...


aq de bear...
nm dier bear2 @ bear2 kak na...
dier becaaaar...
aq ske sgt....
ske cium2 dier...
ske plok2 dier....
tp syg....
dier da koyak...
x de la koyk rbk an...
cme a few tpt je...
aq ni da la mls nk jhet balek...
ngokngek tol la sape yg bg koyak 2....

aq suuuuuke sesgt kat dier...

ps-mak aq yg bg eee...bkn bf (^_^)

Sunday, March 15


aq x tido agy ni...
nga siapkn hw yg tutor aq bg td...
da la mnyk yg aq x tau...huhu
aq nga ngan2k ni act...
mt pon da brplus2 spetnye da....

FUCK U!!!!!

skang ni aq nga dgr agu fuvk you...
by lily allen...
mashook gile...
cbe r dgr...
korg kne dgr yg above 3m 36s nye tau
Look inside,
look inside your tiny mind
Then look a bit harder
'Cause we're so uninspired,
so sick and tired
Of all the hatred you harbor
So you say
it's not okay to be gay
Well, I think you're just evil
You're just some racist
who can't tie my laces
Your point of view is medieval
Fuck you,
fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you,
fuck you very, very much
'Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch
Do you get,
do you get a little kick
Out of being small minded?
You want to be like your father
It's approval you're after
Well, that's not how you find it
Do you, do you really enjoy
Living a life that's so hateful?
'Cause there's a hole
where your soul should be
You're losing control a bit
And it's really distasteful
Fuck you,
fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you,
fuck you very, very much
'Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you
You say you think we need to go to war
Well, you're already in one
'Cause it's people like you that need to get slew
No one wants your opinion
Fuck you,
fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you,
fuck you very, very much'
Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
*die x de officialnye video


bawu je abes tution ni.....
tutor die hin n de doo tauuuu...
td wat t mat...
chapt 5 form 4....

die ckp lam subjek 2...
de 5 yg pntg...
mean lau ko master, konfem leh dpt a...

die ckp aq ni basic x power ag r...
so td die de bg hw..
hmmm....bnyk r gak...
da la bsok die nk tgok...
aq x *t pon ag ni....
mls la..............


nk tgok upin ipin!!!!!!
td aq tgok kat google...
kat mines de agy tau....
ye2 nk g tgok!!!

confession of a shopaholic 2 kuar 26 march tau....
nnt kte g tgok nk??

Saturday, March 14

g jln2...

smalam kn...
aq g jln2 ngan teha ag...
mle2 plan nk *d...

mmg ml2 *d pon...
tp after 2 kiteowg g jln2...
*d nye lam 4 jam je......

kat sacc kn...
aq g masok big apple 2 x...
x beragak kn....
nk wat camne...
aq ske sgt ngan choreo...

b4 2 kiteowg plan nk tengok upin ipin tau...
tapi pk2 balek...
wat bazer je...
nth2 da abes pon kat cinema...
nnt wat pnt je g...

Monday, March 9


sesape yg de cite2 bes....
bg tawu eee...
aq tgh mencari ni....
lg better lau chick flick hehe......

aq bawu je lps abes tgok cite ni....



aq kn mmg ske cite2 yg chick flick ni....

so....sape yg nk nengok...

g la nengok yeee

Sunday, March 8


mls r nk update blog.....
aq tau.....
blog aq ni mst buhsan giler thp cipan kn???
cipan pown x bori' camni......

Saturday, March 7


smalam kn....
aq g jln2 ngan teha tau...
first tim 2....
kiteorg x de wat papepon..
just jln2 je...

mle skali aq g libry....
bez r gak...
besr libry nye tauuuu....

after 2 g mujium...
kat awah 2 kan...
da la x bnyk owg...
nseb bek de teha...
lau x...huuuu

n den g sacc mall....
nengok kacoot...

den g pas...
nengok kacot gak...
mle2 ingatkn nak li big apple au...
aleh2 choreo da abes...

lastly g pkns...
kat cnilah kiteowg beghangan....
n kat cn gak la terjdnye sa2 peristiwa yg.....
agak memalukan gak...
hanya aq, teha, makcik u n allah je yg tau...hehe

Sunday, March 1


sejak cekgu ckp yg kat skull de wireless kn...
aq pk nk wak laptop...
n then beroperasi...hehe
tapi probnye kat cn...
aq ne de laptop sndr...
aq bknnye ky cam korng...
tp lapotop yg tersedia kat umah ni milik parents aq....

aq plan nak 'borrow' la kn....
tp konfem dierg x kasi nye...
yela cuak lau ilang kn....
x kn aq nk ganti kot....

so aq pk aq nak seludup la kejadah 2....
ley x????

>kpd sesape yg bace ni.....silelah bg ide or pndgn or nasihat or pe2 jelah ye....tq<

kerush!!! yeahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

smalam aq g phg kn???
so on the way nk balek 2...
aq jpoe sowqg mamat ni....
dr segi dress up die nmpk cam sosel...
tp mmg smat la kn...

so yg aq nak cite skang ni delah....
aq de crush ngan die...
iiii x malu kn???
i've met him once...
2 pon x smpi 1 jam...
the 1 n only thi' i know bout him is......................
die tggl kat subang...

nak tawu x cam ne aq ley tawu?????
cam ni....
otw nak balek 2....
kiteowg (me n him)...
nek monorail n ktm same2....
1 time aq jpe die kat dlm monorail la....
2 pon otw nak balek...
last time i saw him is at de SBG stesen....

dr c2 la aq tawoooo....hehe

ms kat dlm train 2....
dei diri ( manyak owg) dpn aq....
well, not exactly dpn lakan....
tp still ley nmpk die...dr blakang....

aq pndg je muke die taw..hehe...
die terpusing ke arah blakng...
n automatically nye terpndg aq la kn???
dgn dbr2nye aq tunduk...hehekonon2 malu gitu...
pastu da beberape saat berlalu...
aq pndg balek....
smpi la die trun kat sbg....huhu
sedey...dpt puje die kejap jewww....

Saturday, February 28


blog ni cam gile sket kan?...yela kite post ni sebenarnye kul 2...tapi die tulis kat situ kol 10...dala kul 10 malam semalam plak 2...jadi konklusyennye kat da tambah tolak darab bahagi da, perbezaan jam-kite-post-yg-blog-tulis adalah 16 jam 6 x tau laaq yag slh set ke, ataupun mmg dia yg slh...tapi die tulis dekat tempat nak save draft 2, masa die sama......kul 2 gak......hmmmmmmmmm ntahlh...pe2 da puaskan at aq ngan kire diff nye...hehe
kalau korang x caya gak...korang le kire formulenye...

[masa yg betul] - 16 jam 16 minit + 24 jam = [masa kite post yg blog tulis]

kalau x paham n x jadi n salah men cube2 je...hehe


kali ni da entah yg ke bape aq megapuuhh...
yela bosan la....x tawu nak wat pe...
mem2 len pon x manyak yg on9...
aq merepek meraban je la....

-masok topik len plak-

aq teringiin sgt nak pdi ckp bi....
kalau 2les 2 mmg la bley...(x de r bangga an)
tapi nak pnh r gak try ckp an...
aleh2 nye hancusss abes!

sape nak ajar aq speakeng????
elp me!!! i nee d atutor...


ble adex aq ni nak abes dati' ni....
nek kema2 bontot ni nunggu.....
dgn bunyi yg mcm2 nye (kat cc ag ni)....
dgn bawu okok nye,,,
aq x minat okok ni awww...
bawu die pon aq kuweng thn....

oh adex qu...
copek le balek.....

Friday, February 27


lusa *t...
tapi da *dy la seck8...
2pon subject yg aq ske je la...
mt, t mat, ....
2 je la kowttt....



for the time being...
x nk pk leyyy?????

KARAK, PAHANG...............

karak. ia merupakan satu nama tempat. tempat kelahiran pakwe adeq aq (kowwwtttttt la....)...

jauh tau nak g cini...mcm2 transport aq nek...bas, ktm, monorail dan bkl nek teksi (4 balek la...)...mule2 skali kite kne amek ktm sek 18 ke KL central...pas2 dari KL central amek monorail ke titiwangsa...after 2 amek bas ke karak...

skunk ni aq nga berpeluh gile2 punye thp gaban....well x de lah thp gaban. pastukn.adex aq ni dye kntot kt cc ni..patutlah aq de bau bucuk2 ck8 tadi....hehe

fitnah22....kt atz ni ^^^^^^...(writed by pipie)
dari ke


nak tau ak skang ni aq kat ne??....skang ni aq kat pekan karak tauuuu...korang tau ke Karak 2 kat ne???....karak 2 kat pahang...hehe jauh x aq saje je ikot adeq aq g dating...tapi x delah sampai temankan die dating....die dating, aq surfing....hehehe...

tapikan, rasa akward ck8 la kat CC ni....yela bkan pnah g kat cini 1 tim auuuuu...da la aq nak kne dok ndlm CC ni selama beberapa jam...adeq aq 2 memang...die jahat kan????...ske dera akaq die...

kat cini x de headphone...welll mayb coz ni pekan kebosanan di sini...adeq aq ley sdp2 dating ngan balak die yg sak8 gigi 2...gigi pakwe die 2 sbb 2 lah mata die pown sepet...tapi ck8 je la...hahahahahahahhahahahahahah...tergelak2 aq tadi...

Sunday, February 22

tagged by muaz......

1. Where is your cell phone?
dont have 1

2. Your significant other?
x phm......(oo)

3. Your hair?
canteque & like it 2 be longer

4.Your favourite thing?
of coz my mp-tigeeeerrr

5. Your dream last night?
mmg sewweeet gile thp bgg

6. Your favourite drink?
milo ayes

7. Your dream/goal?
get straight A's in spm (so far la)

8. What room you are in?
the livi' room

9. Your hobby?
berangan n dgr largoo

10. Your fear?
lipas n over 70 kg

11. Where do you want to be in 6 years?
in 1 of the u at luxenbourg

12. Where were you last night?
kat umah SA

13. Muffins?
hmmmm.. not so into it......

14. Wish list item?
2-nset 7390(pink)
3-high heelsssss

15. Where you grew up?

16.last thing you did?

17. What are you wearing?
long sleeve n tracksuit

18. Your TV? walafiat...

19. Your pets?

20. Friends?
mcm2 de....

21. Your life?
emmm...nk tau bc posts

22. Your mood?
skunk ni ok la....

23. Missing someone?
hmmmm..let see...mak, abg2, abah, nnnnnnnn @#$% hehe (^_^)

24. Car?
pink gen2

25. Something you're not wearing?

26. Your favourite store?

27. Your favourite color?
pink black n white

28. When is the last time you laughed?
pagi td...tol2 after ngaji...hehe

29.Last time you cried?
a looooong time ago

30. Who will resend this?
dont know...dont care

31. One place that I go to over and over?
toilet...x pnh miss even 1 day tauuu.....

32. One person who emails me regularly?
myspace....4 sure

33. Favourite place to eat?
home....(but mamam li kat luar)

34. Why you participated in this survey?
da sum1 tagged

35. What are you doing tonight?
homework...lot n lots of it....

tag ini ditujukan khas kepada manusia yg mengenali diri ini.....peeeeace


aq skang ni kat opis akaq aq...nak tau aq wat pe...mule2 sbb aq nak scan report fizik 2...bidin sebenarnye ade scan kat umah..tapi kat umah SA (skang ni aq kat kajang)...sooooooo?

aq gunekan pluang ni 4 bkk da lm x update...yela dok kat kat umah 2 (kjg) die gile...da la lmbb...opera pon x leh bkk..nk kne pakai intenet explorer je...da la lau pki IE ni, nk download die ssh skang ni ngah cari lagoo America's Suiteheart by Fall Out Boy...tau la die de kat u-tube...kan aq da ckp td...IE kan mereng banyak...da la kat Bearshare pon x de lagi..humm...nak lagooooooo 2222222........huhu

Sunday, February 15


skunk da kul 2.31 pagi au...tapi aq x g SA ag ni!!!...kan tiap2 weekday aq kne balek Sek7...nak skool...weekend plak kat ari ni ari ahad...sok isnin...n e2 bermaksod sok skool la kn???..

tapi yg aq tensennyor ni, org yg sepatutnya anta aq n pipi g SA (akaq aq la...) dia nga makan...da la aq x iron baju ag ni...buku pown x ikot jadual ag...weekwnd ni, satu homwek pown aq x wat...tapi aq minx2 sok x delah cekgu2 tu nak minx...hop2 la....

Saturday, February 14


b4 ni kan brt bdn aq 50 je tau...pastu ck8 ck8 die naik lakan...yela...abeh da aq dok uma membute je keje...nak wat cam ne...mula2 2 aq mmg x psn pon aq da maken gemok...pastu lama2 2 aq de la rs ck8 ck8 gak...peha aq dr dulu ag da mmg berselisih skang da bertambh la kan...

adeq aq ckp aq nye bdn ni die len mcm ck8...tangn aq ni die nmpk mcm trlebih pnjg ble aq ukur (hujung jari kanan ----------> hujung jari kiri = tinggi kite, mmbe aq la yg ckp) ok je...pastu bdn aq ni sebenonye kecik je...tapi peha aq yg terXXX...tula psl aq nmpk ni tinggi r sume tu tertutup la ck8 kan???

hehe...lupe plak nak bagi tau brt bdn skunk ni bape....


sebenarnye da lama aq de myspace ni...cume ianye diambek aleh oleh adeq aq...aritu membe aq
de soh aq wat baru...mule2 2 aq malas r gak...yela nak register...nak kne wat mail bru (yg lm adeq aq da pki-myspace lm 2...)...lagipon nak jaga sekali dua pon pyh ck8 kn???

tapi ble pk2 rs cam nk wat plak...hehe...miang kn dengan segala penat lelahnye aq g wat...nak tau x bape lama??? 2 jam tau...jadi skang ni aq da de 2 mail...satu satu gmail...tapi due2 aq wat password nye sm...yelah nk sng ingat...tapi yg tang username x kasi gune ni "_"...cdh je...yelah...mail yahoo aq de bnd 2...aleh2 ble nak wat gmail, kne buang....huhu....tapi x pe...still sng nk ingat........


aritu aq n de rest of the family de g melancong kat BUKIT MERAH LAKETOWN...kite owg g sane 24 - 26...bes r gak...mle2 aq ingatkan tempat 2 besarrrr...upe upenye besejer...lagi bes sunway lagoon...cume sa2 je yg aq kureng ske tang sunway lagoon nie...die punyer pakaian kat waterpark 2 bersyarat..eventhough die kecik jer..x macam kat bukit merah ni..die x kesah ko nk pakai baju ape pown...ko nak pakai tracksuit ngan t-shirt gedabak pown leh..ko nak pakai bkini LAGILAH de nmpk je minah ni pakai bikini...ala lagipown die owg ape nak kesah kn?....


pada 26 aribulan 12 tahon 2008 adalah tarikh abang aq yang sulung g u...UITM pinang...jd nye da alang2 kiteorang g bukit merah 2, after checkout kite tros g anta die kat sane...manjer sey dier tuu...satu family tlong angkat barang die ( walaupun x banyak mane) pown kne tlong angkat skali...niat bek aq ni terpesong la..abg aq ni kan ostel die mestilah ostel bebudak laki...dan aq ni adalah seorang budak perempuan merangkap adek die yg comey ni (hehe terperasan plak...men2 je..) pown pe lagi....operasi usha mengusha abg2 kat sane tros aq jlnkan...dan yg untungnye aq de assistant...haaa nk tau sape??? adek aq pipi 2...die ni bley dikire playgurl gak yg malangnye abg2 yang aq bakal usha ni sumenyer da g masjed..yela da kul bape da tim 2...nk g solat jumaat x pew..........

tim abg2 (aq de 2 abg) aq g solat jumaat..mak aq ni die de g borak ngan satu family (budak baru masuk) yg nga berpicnic kat bawah pokok + tepi longkang + depan keta = uish mmg masyuuuk...hehe...dalam group ni de sorang mamat (musafir kan x pe x solat jumaat) yang bley tahan gak la dr gaya die 2 cam bdk2 ag jer...dan die nampak cam bdk bek, sopan santun, n hormat org slack ck8 la, die nmpk cam lembut...hmm ntahlah...wat pe aq nak kesah kan?

sebenarnye aq ni jns yang pemalu cket...kalau bab laki2 ni lagi2 ble face 2 face mmg la aq low gilew...bkn mke malu2 meow da yang aq tunjukkan.... aq tros bg die muke menyampah x pown muke x ske (bkn sm kew?? pe2 je la....)...n tah la aq pown x tau nape aq jd cam ni ble kat dpn ble kat dlam tepon ke pape ke (yg x melibatkan face2 face ni) aq x borak je cam borak2 ngan membe kalau pakwe 2 len cite la hehe..kne la spesel ck8...
ok..kite msok blek cite td...abg aq ni jns yang mmg ske wat keje last mnit....die pack brg2 pown last minit gak..kalo da wat last minit conferem la de je brg yg kurang kn??? jd nye after solat jumaat 2 kite orang g shopping kat jusco..dekat je ngan U 2...x sampai 30 minit pown (kot)... banyak la gak yang kite org beli...tengok2 jam da kul 5.30 ptg..abg aq sebenarnye kene masok kul 4.30...da la die x isi borang tah pe2 tah lagi...apetah lagi menghantarnya..padahal kene hantar b4 kul 4.30...da lambat satu jam da die tetap x takde r relax mane pon...bese2 je...

sesampai je kiteorang dekat ostel die...kiteorg teros angkat brg2 yg baru beli td 2....g je kat bilik die sume org da x de...abg aq 2 plak, dei x g amek tau agenda arini...da la x de org da kat ostel 2...nk tny cam ne kn??? sorang abang ni...die nga lalu bilik abang lagi...mak aq pown memecut la g kat abg 2 td...mak aq pown tnye bebudak yg len?de pape taklimat ke ptg nie? kne bawak pape ke?..........abang td 2 ckp bebudak yang len sumnye de kat dewan...nga dengar taklimat...bawak pen ngan kertas jela...pas2 abg 2 kate bwk skali borang2 2....die kate disebabkan abg aq ni budak baru dan secara automatiknye x tau di mana terletaknyer dewan tersebur, makanya die soh abg aq ikot skali....mak aq , akak aq, bapak aq, n aq pown pe ag..............sayyy TQ bebanyak la kan?? org da berbudi sekurang2 nye kite bls ngan ucapan tq...hehe

Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress merupakan satu2 nye (so far la) publisher novel (romance novel) BI yg aq far da de 16 buah ske sbb die nye cover buku 2 peh...cantek...comel...unik..x de gamba owg kalau de pon katun je...most of 'em Rachel Gibson yg ske die nye buku...die wat mmg mashuk...die pndi wat mushy2 line walaupon die x ske bc mushy2 line termasok yang die sendiri wat...pelik kan? weird but real...hehe...antara sume novel yang aq da beli, aq ske satu cite ni...tajok die 'Tangled Up In You'...citenye pelik...heronye adalah abg tiri kepada heroin...len mak, sama dieowg kawen dieowg bknye islam pon kan?...wat pe nk kesah...enjoy the story udah...

mak aq slalu galakkan aq2 baca nvl BI...katanye ble tingkatkan comprehension aq bkn bc nvl 2 4 bc juz 4 fun jer...lau de word2 yang aq x paham, aq bknny bukak dict men agak je..janji msok ngan ayat 2 da...ingat! aq kan bc 4 fun je...hehe...lagi satu sbb aq x bkk dict, adalah prefer terpekik terlolong tanya owg dari g bukak benda yang tebalnye bape inci tah...hehe...nak wat cam ne...da malas bermaharajalela kat dalam diri aq ni...hehe


FYI, aq ni de nset yg agak ok lagi drpd adeq aq...disebabkan aq x slalu sgt die slalu pinjam especially tim die nk sneak-out2 2...dan tentulah tim die g uma balak die 2, die pinjam lagi kn...malangnye pada 01 aribulan 01 tahun 2009 nset aq telah hilang...die perasan nset 2 ilang after adeq aq g lepak2 ngan membe2 balak die b4 die nak balek...dan die mengesyaki membe2 balak yang die bknnye kesah tanye r kat die "ko de cari x?"..." mls" merupakan jawapan yang paling bernas yang pernah keluar dari mulut adeq aq yang sorang ni...tawu r 2 bkan nset ko...tapi da pinjam wat la care cam orang meminjam kn?kn?kn?...tapi x pe la sgt pown bkn nye gne sgt pown...walaupun aq de boipren...sbbnye nset aq 2 bkannye ok sgt pon..da mereng da...x sampi satu ari je b3 da leh kong...lagu2 plak kalau time b3 2 da tinggal se'bar' je................mmg da x le nk wat pe2...tkn je button ck8, tros off..mereng kn?...hehe...lagipon aq lebih suke men com, surf internet, bace novel drpd men ni jns yang mmg jrg men msg ngan kaum hawa len macam plak...hehe...lau nk men msg ngan kaum adam dan yang mmg x de pertalian darah ngan aq ni, de sowg je la...............iaitu boipren aq...balak aq ni plak jns yang mmg 'saving' nk mampos...bknnye saving tp lebih kepada kedekut...die mmg jrg kol or mrn msg ngan aq...besenye aq je la yang kol la yang slalu kne wat supersaver...da la maxis cam mereng ck8..kejap2 RM2 setengah jam..kejap2 RM3 sejam...kejap2 RM4 sejam...ish idok paham.........idok paham...

Operasi Menarik Nset Oleh YB Azhari

so far dalam idop aq, aq da pki 5 jenis nset da...sumenye bkan dari hasil titik peluh aq sendiri pown...3 darinya adalah turun temurun dari abg kakak aq gak...dan 2 lagi adalah beli sendiri tapi pakai duit mak aq...hehe...

aq mmg cam ni, lau nak pe2 besenye aq minx ngan mak aq (aq lebih rpt ngan mak dr abah)...2 pon tengok la kalau die nak bg ke x nk...lau die bagi......peeeeh mmg aq ske lau die x bagi besenye aq akan merajok...die paham da kalau aq merajok lebih ske brmogok...merap lam bilik...x nk mkn...x nk ckp...lau ckp pon bende yg mmg penting tahap gaban r...slalunye mogok aq ni kdg2 2 die x layan gak...bende2 yg bese aq minx ngan mak aq adalah ; nset (cume ble tim aq x de nset je r) , novel , food & beverage , n of cooooz baju......hehe...

ok msok blek cite td...pertama kali nset aq kene tahan ngan bapak aq adalah tim fom 4...iaitu tahon lepas..hehe(2008)...dan yg so far kali terakhir adalah tim fom4 gak...kirenye dalam fom 4 ni da 4 kali nset aq kane tarik ngan bapak aq...adalah sebab2 yang tertentu kan...x leh bagitau la..hehe...rahsia kerajaan bagi klu je...slh satu reason adalh sebab lelaki..hehe...kdg2 aq x wat pape pon, kne tarik gak...nak tau sebab ape? yg wat hal nye adalah adeq aq...dan kalau nset adeq aq kne tarik pon, die still ble contact pakwe die gak dengan menggunakan nset aq (ape gne lau nset die kene tarik tapi still leh contact pakwe kn???) kan x kesah kalau die pinjam nset aku..da slalu da pon die wat camtu kn???...dan tempoh nset 2 kne tahan sebenarnye sampai disebabkan kedegilan aq yang terserlah, aq pon g la selongkar satu umah ni...nseb bek jumpe...dah jumpe pastu kne trk lag...jumpe balek, tarik balek...jumpe balek, tarek balek...dan yang kali keempat ni, aq carik gak tp x pon da x de idea kat mane die letak...besenye die letak kat almari berkunci die cari2 tetap x jumpe...dah la skang ni da de 3 umah...da makin susah nak cari ni...hmmm....pas2 de satu ari 2 aq tny r kat die mne nset 2 nk minx balek, dengan reason -> de banyak no membe skool lama kat dalam 2...die de try cari 3 umah die cari...tapi x jumpe gak..die yang sorok pon ble x jumpe..hmm pelik binti ajaib bin hairan soh la die ingat balek kat mane die simpan...die ingat..tapi ble die cari.......x x puas ati ni... aq cari skali..pon x jumpe gak...hmm sedih jer..2 lah satu2 nye nset yg paling aq syg..nk tau nset pe? nset Nokia 7390...SE 2...da la susah nk cari...yg paling aq ske kat nset 2 de lah die nye old skool..tapi elegant ske!!!...sampai skang nset aq yg Motorola Razer V3i 2 da ilang pon (kan bkl dpt nset baru, tp x konfem la......) , aq still nak kat nset unik 2 gak........huhu......winduuuuuuu!!!!!!!


blog ni cam gile sket kan?...yela kite post ni sebenarnye kul 2...tapi die tulis kat situ kol 10...dala kul 10 malam semalam plak 2...jadi konklusyennye kat da tambah tolak darab bahagi da, perbezaan jam-kite-post-yg-blog-tulis adalah 16 jam 6 x tau la, aq yg slh set ke, ataupun mmg dia yg slh...tapi die tulis dekat tempat nak save as draft 2, masa die sama......kul 2 gak......hmmmmmmmmm ntahlh...pe2 da puaskan at aq ngan kire diff nye...hehe
kalau korang x caya gak...korang le kire formulenye...
[masa yg betul] - 16 jam 16 minit + 24 jam = [masa kite post yg blog tulis]

kalau x paham n x jadi n salah men cube2 je...hehe


tolong sebarkan wahai umat islam sekalian !!
tolong sebarkan if korang sume sayangkn ISLAM!!!!
> > > > --> write 'makkah' but dont write 'mecca' coz 'mecca=house of wine'...
> > > >>
> > > --> write 'muhammad' dont write 'mohd' coz 'mohd=dog with a big mouth'...
write allah s.w.t' dun '4jji' coz '4jji' = for judas jesus isa almasih...
send this to all musilm..
> > > >>
> > > --> prkataan BYE adlh jarum sulit kristian yg BERMAKSUD dibbwh naungan pope..
JGN gnekn A'KUM sbb ia BERMAKSUD binatang dlm bhs yahudi..SEMEKOM plak brmksd celaka kamu..jd GUNAKAN prkataan SALAM as a singktn bg assalammualaikum...
tlg foward pd umt islam yg laen..UTK ELAKKN DARI DIRI BUAT DOSA YG XDISENGAJAKN..
> > > >>
klu nk beli alquran..yg dicetak edisi bru..hati2..cuz ade yg palsu1-surah al iman 2-surah al wasaya 3-al tajasud 4-al muslimoon..
JGN sesekali LAYARI http://www.thequran.comcoz sume isi laman tu palsu..

Ketika kita masuk ke toilet, bilik mandi, bilik hotel, ruang ganti pakaian, dan lain-lain, seberapa besar anda yakin bahawa cermin ,yang tergantung di dinding dan kelihatannya seperti cermin biasa itu memang benar-benar cermin biasa, atau sebenarnya itu adalah cermin dua arah (orang di belakang cermin boleh melihat anda, sementara anda tidak dapat melihat mereka). Banyak tempat di mana orang memasang cermin 2 arah di dalam ruang ganti pakaian wanita, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan juga di ruang ganti lelaki. Adalah sangat sulit untuk secara jelas mengindentifikasi permukaannya hanya dengan melihatnya saja. Saatnyalah kita untuk berhati-hati.Jadi, bagaimana kita dapat menentukan dengan pasti apakah cermin tersebut adalah cermin biasa atau cermin 2 arah?. Kalau di bilik polis, iaitu di ruang soal siasat, sudah dapat dipastikan cerminnya 2 arah tapi untuk di Public AreaLAKUKANLAH UJIAN SEDERHANA (UJIAN KUKU JARI)Letakkan hujung kuku anda di atas permukaan cermin. Jika ada jarak (gap) antara kuku anda dan bayangan kuku anda di cermin, dapat dikatakan bahwa cermin itu adalah cermin biasa (selamat).Tetapi, jika kuku anda terus menyentuh bayangan kuku anda di cermin, hati-hatilah, kerana benda itu adalah cermin 2 arah ! Kerana itu ingatlah selalu, setiap kali anda melihat cermin di tempat-tempat umum seperti disebutkan di atas, lakukanlah TEST KUKU JARI". Tidak perlu membayar. Mudah dilakukan, dan ini mungkin boleh menyelamatkan anda dari "PERKOSAAN VISUAL"info dari membe aq nye membe...hehe
