Saturday, March 21
wanna know your answers’
1. Who are you?
2.Are we friends?
3.When and how did we meet?
4.Do you have a crush on me?
5.Would you kiss me?
6.Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7.Describe me in one word.
8.What was your first impression?
9.Do you still think that way about me now?
10.What reminds you of me?
11.If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13.When's the last time you saw me?
14.Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15.Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?
**i hop who ans it....will do it onestly....tq
smalam g sunway....
1ly g lagoon....
men air je la yg smpt...
yela smpi kat sane je da kul 2...
nk cr parking yg full giler 2 agy....
nk cry exit ke lagoon agy....
ok...arrived there bout 3.30....
den buy ticket of coz...
den men2...
we forgt 2 broght camera!!!!
so i hv 2 borrow mom's...
unfrtunatly mom gtg sumwhere else...(out of sunway) snap bout 10 pic...
but its all at the same place...
on the beach....(lagoon's)
so sad............
round 6 out...
den dine in laksa shake or sumti'...
round 9 go 2 ice ring....
ice skati'!!!!!hehe....
even idn how 2 play.....
im stll lerni'...
so far i no how 2 use left leg only...
evry1 can do it...
as long as u try...
round 12 got home...
oh my lovely tilam...
(i use 2 sleep on a tilam)
n of coz my lvly bear2....
frm all of dos crap...but yet still enjoyi'...
i get 2 sleeeeeeeeep :D
Friday, March 20
aq dcide.....
men je air 2...
bkn de pe2 pon kn....
2mrw mak plan nk g sunway....
men2 air....
but idw!!!...
cam da bsn...u no.......
so aq pk nk g round2 mall je la...
tp mak x kac...
die kate....
mak x ske la pisah2 ni....
pe2 pon....
kt tgok je sok camne k...........
Thursday, March 19
da *t tgok da....
tp kat u tube jela....
cite nye x de la sdh mne pon....
lgpon aq bru je ep 2.....
so ill keep watching
smalam kn aq n pipi g jln2...
mle skali kn aq g skul...
abes lam kul 1 setengah cam 2...
n den ktowg (pipi n aq) dcide nk g tgok upin ipin...
ktowg pon google la kn...
aleh2 cinema yg dkt2, sumenye b4 kul 3....
de gak yg kul 3 lbh...
tp lau amek 3 lbh confem blek lmbt nye....
t x psl2 kne blasah ngan parents plak....
so, lastly ktowg g mid 4 jln2 je...
nek ktm + jln kaki j da spi mid...
2 pon area2 4....
spi je tos g food court...
mmm2 da kul 4 setgh...
jln2 ck8....
den tos blek...
spi 18 area2 6 stgh....
lm kn???....
ktm yg ngokngek...
lm gile nk tuggu....
Wednesday, March 18
skunk ni aq kat skul...
dr kul 9 td aq 2nggu dieorg...
lm tau...
ni da kul 10 pown x smpi2 agy..
iiii kunk aq blek kunk.....
act ni 1 tim on9 kat skul tau....
2 yg btk ck8 2....hehe...
besela nk wat camne....
bdk ngokngek la ktkn....
aq nk kne g skul..
yg sal oral bm 2...
da la kiteowg (aq + teha + nana + iylia + ama) kne present isnin nnt....
tp sa2 pe pon x discuss agy....huhu
Monday, March 16
mak aq de blkn jam...
act as a bezday present...
tp mak aq da kuarkn awl2...
so die soh plh ne sa2...
de 2...
yela sa2 aq sa2 pipi...
satu jam ni tl kecik crk kulit...
warna turqoise(slh eja kot)....
muka die cntek...
gle ske!
yg lg sa2 ni plak...
tl besar crk flawer...
warna pink....
aq ske!
tp muke die x cantek sgt la...
muke dier cam suram ck8 tau...
hmm hmm.......
nk yg mne sa2 ni....
akak aq ckp....
tgn aq ni suai tl bsr..
yela da bdn pown bsr kn...
tp lau nk amek yg tl besr, muke dier x cantek plak...
lau nk amek yg muke dier cntek, tl dier kecik plak...
aq de bear...
nm dier bear2 @ bear2 kak na...
dier becaaaar...
aq ske sgt....
ske cium2 dier...
ske plok2 dier....
tp syg....
dier da koyak...
x de la koyk rbk an...
cme a few tpt je...
aq ni da la mls nk jhet balek...
ngokngek tol la sape yg bg koyak 2....
aq suuuuuke sesgt kat dier...
ps-mak aq yg bg eee...bkn bf (^_^)
Sunday, March 15
aq x tido agy ni...
nga siapkn hw yg tutor aq bg td...
da la mnyk yg aq x tau...huhu
aq nga ngan2k ni act...
mt pon da brplus2 spetnye da....
bawu je abes tution ni.....
tutor die hin n de doo tauuuu...
td wat t mat...
chapt 5 form 4....
die ckp lam subjek 2...
de 5 yg pntg...
mean lau ko master, konfem leh dpt a...
die ckp aq ni basic x power ag r...
so td die de bg hw..
hmmm....bnyk r gak...
da la bsok die nk tgok...
aq x *t pon ag ni....
mls la..............
nk tgok upin ipin!!!!!!
td aq tgok kat google...
kat mines de agy tau....
ye2 nk g tgok!!!
confession of a shopaholic 2 kuar 26 march tau....
nnt kte g tgok nk??
Saturday, March 14
smalam kn...
aq g jln2 ngan teha ag...
mle2 plan nk *d...
mmg ml2 *d pon...
tp after 2 kiteowg g jln2...
*d nye lam 4 jam je......
kat sacc kn...
aq g masok big apple 2 x...
x beragak kn....
nk wat camne...
aq ske sgt ngan choreo...
b4 2 kiteowg plan nk tengok upin ipin tau...
tapi pk2 balek...
wat bazer je...
nth2 da abes pon kat cinema...
nnt wat pnt je g...
Monday, March 9
sesape yg de cite2 bes....
bg tawu eee...
aq tgh mencari ni....
lg better lau chick flick hehe......
true confession of a hollywood starlet.....
0 kOmEnToR crammed bai..... iLiKeBiGcUtEbEaR ate 12:49 AMaq bawu je lps abes tgok cite ni....
aq kn mmg ske cite2 yg chick flick ni....
so....sape yg nk nengok...
g la nengok yeee
Sunday, March 8
mls r nk update blog.....
aq tau.....
blog aq ni mst buhsan giler thp cipan kn???
cipan pown x bori' camni......
Saturday, March 7
smalam kn....
aq g jln2 ngan teha tau...
first tim 2....
kiteorg x de wat papepon..
just jln2 je...
mle skali aq g libry....
bez r gak...
besr libry nye tauuuu....
after 2 g mujium...
kat awah 2 kan...
da la x bnyk owg...
nseb bek de teha...
lau x...huuuu
n den g sacc mall....
nengok kacoot...
den g pas...
nengok kacot gak...
mle2 ingatkn nak li big apple au...
aleh2 choreo da abes...
lastly g pkns...
kat cnilah kiteowg beghangan....
n kat cn gak la terjdnye sa2 peristiwa yg.....
agak memalukan gak...
hanya aq, teha, makcik u n allah je yg tau...hehe
Sunday, March 1
sejak cekgu ckp yg kat skull de wireless kn...
aq pk nk wak laptop...
n then beroperasi...hehe
tapi probnye kat cn...
aq ne de laptop sndr...
aq bknnye ky cam korng...
tp lapotop yg tersedia kat umah ni milik parents aq....
aq plan nak 'borrow' la kn....
tp konfem dierg x kasi nye...
yela cuak lau ilang kn....
x kn aq nk ganti kot....
so aq pk aq nak seludup la kejadah 2....
ley x????
>kpd sesape yg bace ni.....silelah bg ide or pndgn or nasihat or pe2 jelah ye....tq<
smalam aq g phg kn???
so on the way nk balek 2...
aq jpoe sowqg mamat ni....
dr segi dress up die nmpk cam sosel...
tp mmg smat la kn...
so yg aq nak cite skang ni delah....
aq de crush ngan die...
iiii x malu kn???
i've met him once...
2 pon x smpi 1 jam...
the 1 n only thi' i know bout him is......................
die tggl kat subang...
nak tawu x cam ne aq ley tawu?????
cam ni....
otw nak balek 2....
kiteowg (me n him)...
nek monorail n ktm same2....
1 time aq jpe die kat dlm monorail la....
2 pon otw nak balek...
last time i saw him is at de SBG stesen....
dr c2 la aq tawoooo....hehe
ms kat dlm train 2....
dei diri ( manyak owg) dpn aq....
well, not exactly dpn lakan....
tp still ley nmpk die...dr blakang....
aq pndg je muke die taw..hehe...
die terpusing ke arah blakng...
n automatically nye terpndg aq la kn???
dgn dbr2nye aq tunduk...hehekonon2 malu gitu...
pastu da beberape saat berlalu...
aq pndg balek....
smpi la die trun kat sbg....huhu
sedey...dpt puje die kejap jewww....